
Membership is an expression of commitment, loyalty, accountability, and responsibility to a local congregation.  It means finding your place in the body of Christ while worshiping Him and serving others.   Membership means enjoying all the benefits and privileges of membership such as: pastoral/deacon care services, accommodations for funerals, weddings, dedications, birthdays, anniversary services, building/facility use, voting privileges, receiving relief in crisis, and the like. 

 There are 4 ways to become a member:
Baptism – this means that you are interested in becoming a new believer in Christ through confession and repentance.  You do not necessarily have any prior Church experience.  You are a new believer and are interested in joining by way of baptism.  Baptism is a symbol of identity with Jesus Christ.  It means that you identify with his death, burial, and resurrection.  The water symbolizes the grave.  When a person is immersed and recovered in the water, it is a testimony to the world, that he/she has put their sins to death and is now risen as a new creature in Christ Jesus.  It is symbol of your allegiance and obedience to Christ.  Baptism is an outward expression of an inward conversion in Jesus Christ.

Letter – to join by letter means that you are already a Christian who was actively serving in some other Christian ministry, but now, because of relocation or other circumstances, you join with the endorsement in writing, of your previous Pastor or Church family. The letter is a testament of your Christian character, faithfulness, and good standing in previous membership.  This is the preferred method of ministers, deacons, and Church Officers who are interested in serving in similar capacities here.

Christian Experience – to join with Christian Experience means that a person is already saved, born-again, and have experience as a Christian. Christian Experience also means that you are joining a ministry on the profession of your faith, without any prior endorsements, according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Christian Experience means you are not committed to any other Church family.  This way of joining should be used a last resort for Christians coming from another local Church.  Prior members of another local Church should seek the endorsement of their prior Pastor or Church family if possible.  It is important to leave a ministry properly and peaceably if possible.

Watch Care – this way of joining means that you are already committed to a local Church but have temporarily been separated due to distance, military service, college, employment, or otherwise.  To join under watch care, means that you agree to be committed to this ministry throughout your temporary tenure.  This becomes your Church home away from home.  This will be your temporary place of service and ministry to share your time, talents, and treasure.  Watch Care gives you a spiritual covering during your time of transition.  

You can become a member by filling out the form below or in person by responding to the weekly invitation given by the Pastor every Sunday after his sermon, simply by walking to the front and expressing your intentions.  We look forward to having you as a member soon, as you join us, on the move for God!                     

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