Walnut Grove MBC Salutes Frontline Heroes

This has been a time like no other in my lifetime. COVID-19, the Coronavirus pandemic has forever changed the way we think. As the world locked down in March of 2020 and economies halted, people began a new life filled with fright and concerns for the welfare of themselves and others. News reporters focusing on the daily infection counts, now over 1.3 million people and of course the death rate of those infected by the virus have made many people fearful and withdrawn but there are some that have rushed in to help others without concern for themselves. They are the Frontline Heroes that we salute today.

These hereos are a group that consists of Doctors, Nurses, Police, Firefighters, EMTs and Military, the expected (and very appreciated) group. But there are so many other heroes to add to this list that stand outside of the camera view such as workers in the Grocery, Sanitation, Delivery, Utilities, and Construction industries. In every hospital there are thousands of individuals that clean, prep, and organize to help the Doctors and Nurses in their daily activities. Military and Funeral Homes deal with the deceased on an unparalleled level. They may never receive individual recognition for their heroism but we salute them and pray for these brave selfless people. God knows who you are and all that you have done to help us.

Thank you, all of you!